Resource of the week

What is resource of the week?

Every week we look to find an underrated resource and share it with the community. If you have something you want to share, drop it into the TCM Discord #tuesday-stream-questions.

Feb 27th 2024

When you find yourself inside a docker container and really want to escape.

Feb 20th 2024

This list refreshes every 5mins! So you can be the first to a target, increase your chances of success and reduce duplicates.

Feb 13th 2024

Feb 6nd 2024

Critical Thinking - Bug Bounty Podcast.

A great podcast with entertaining and knowledgeable hosts and guests. New episodes weekly!

  • Bug bounty

  • AppSec

  • Video podcast

Jan 30th 2024

Rana Khalil YouTube & Academy

If you want to learn about web app pentesting then this is a golden resource.

  • AppSec

Jan 23rd 2024

Mary Ellen Kennel's blog on everything DFIR!

  • Building a lab

  • DFIR

  • Blue team

  • Leadership

  • A lot more...

Last updated