My pentesting setup

My setup

My setup is fairly simple. I use a number of tools and plugins for testing. I've tried to include free alternatives to BURP Suite Professional throughout the guide where possible.

For the operating system, I recommend Kali for beginners. Those that are purely focused on web app pentesting might want to consider other options or simply installing your tools on your preferred OS.

  • Debian

    • i3

  • BURP Suite Professional

    • Plugins: Autorize, Coverter, Copy as Python Requests

  • Visual Studio Code

    • Plugins: Prettier, Intellisense

  • Obsidian (syncs to a private github repo)

    • I'm slowly migrating to Joplin

  • Postman

  • Firefox

    • FoxyProxy

    • Cookie Editor

    • Containers

  • Mozilla VPN

  • FFUF

    • I'm slowly migrating to Feroxbuster

  • cURL

  • Docker

  • Docker-compose

  • SQLMap

  • Python3

  • Pyenv

Last updated